Aura kritis - natural cosmetics from Creatan land


It is a matter of fact that the environmental problem is more urgent than ever. Experts have been warning for decades for the depletion of planet’s energy sources, as well as the gradually destruction of our natural environment, although only in the recent years awareness started to become more vital.

What we don’t seem to realize is that every one of us can actually help to save the Earth as individuals. There are various ways to contribute towards this direction by changing simple daily habits, including even personal care practices.

Aura Kritis wishes to encourage awareness on this defining issue of our times and propose a series of ways in order to minimize impact on environment and ecosystems through skin care practices.


1. Planet overheating

Planet’s temperature has been rising alarmingly due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere, leading to severe meteorological phenomena such as droughts, fires and floods.

2. Pollution

The increased industrial activity has led to a huge burden of polluting substances released into the oceans, soil and atmosphere, rendering both humans and animals exposed to an unhealthy environment.

3. Oceans are in danger

The amount of plastic found in marine animals’ bodies, recovered from the sea, is shocking. Plastic pollution is a huge threat for marine life.

4. Energy sources exhaustion

Energy consumption must urgently move towards a more sustainable direction, as statistics estimate that in the upcoming decades, fossil fuels will, to a greater extent, be exhausted.

5. Food waste

Food industry uses enormous amounts of energy for the production and distribution of alimentation, in order to cover the needs of overpopulation. Unfortunately, according to records, 1/3 of total produce of food ends up in a landfill or is left to rot in the field.

6. Biodiversity loss

Global industrialization has tremendous effects on biodiversity, as vast forest areas have been devastated in order to fulfill the uprising demands of exploitable land. As a result, more and more landscapes are suffering from human biological and ecological disturbance, as animals lose their natural habitat and face the risk of extinction. Already, a percentage of 8% of planet’s biodiversity has been lost and 23% is endangered.

Taking care of the planet is not only our responsibility, but also a necessity. Aura Kritis, with a developed sense of responsibility towards our planet and natural environment, gives 4 simple tips that everyone can adjust in their personal care routine, in order to help save the planet.


1. Prefer natural soaps over synthetic cleaners

Most synthetic cleaners contain petrochemical derivatives, such as phthalates.

These substances possess a serious risk for human health, as numerous studies have linked their presence to the occurrence of serious disorders and degenerative diseases.

However, it is not only human health that is in risk by synthetic cleaners, as many substances contained in those products end up in aquatic ecosystems.


Adverse effects associated with the presence of these chemical substances have been recorded in marine life, with fish exhibiting decrease in male hormones, thus leading to infertility and significant reduction of their population.

Natural soaps prepared from vegetable oils through the saponification method are free from such hazardous substances and form the best alternative to synthetic cleaners.

Aura kritis - natural cosmetics from Creatan land

2. Avoid palm oil products ΜΕ ΦΟΙΝΙΚΕΛΑΙΟ

Palm oil industry has led to irreversible destruction of the natural ecosystem. In order to cover the rising demands of this widespread ingredient – as it is not only used in cosmetic products but even in food and fuels – vast tropical lands have faced deforestation.

Malaysia and Indonesia which are the world’s holders of palm oil production, have suffered most by indecent practices associated with human right abuse, child labor and biodiversity loss.

In particular, this loss in biodiversity refers also to endangered species, such as the orangutan, Sumatran tiger and Asian elephant.

You can find more information about the colossal production of palm oil and the adverse effects on the ecosystem in the article by Aura Kritis Tips for vegan care!, για να βρείτε περισσότερες πληροφορίες για την κολοσσιαία παραγωγή φοινικέλαιου και τις δυσμενείς επιπτώσεις στο οικοσύστημα.

Aura kritis - natural cosmetics from Creatan land

3. Choose Organic products Πl products

Organic products are prepared following practices free from pesticides and fertilizers, or other harmful chemicals that burden the earth’s soil.

In fact, organic cultivation can be advantageous in two ways, as no extra energy has been wasted for the production of the above synthetic chemicals and in the same time, consumers enjoy goods that are free from potentially harmful substances!

Ethics in Aura Kritis empower us to select Certified Organic Olive Oil for the preparation of our natural cosmetics!

4. Support Eco-friendly Πl products brands

Use your purchasing power into a positive ecological direction.

Recyclable packaging, refill capability or reusable packaging: these are all signs that the business has environmental concerns! In Aura Kritis we care about the natural environment.

We choose packaging materials of high quality, aiming not only in Re-cycle but primarily in Re-use. Our cosmetic products are efficiently protected through high quality packaging materials that guaranty the longevity of our fine and delicate natural ingredients.

Moreover, this choice of packaging enables Aura Kritis team to motivate consumers in order to keep the cosmetic bottles and jars for future use in their DIY homemade products. Furthermore, as most of our cosmetics are in travel size containers, they can ideally serve as packaging for trips and excursions. Each individual’s contribution is of great importance if one considers the energy demands during the recycle process, when choosing to store the item for further use instead of direct discarding it.



«Εν πάσι γαρ τοις φυσικοίς ενεστί τι θαυμαστόν», which means: “In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous”.
Aristotle, 384-322 B.C.


It is our duty to protect the natural environment. The environmental problem urges as to make drastic movements towards protecting the planet from irreversible damage to major ecosystems and biodiversity.

Aura Kritis, with a sense of deep respect and gratitude for the herbal and plant treasures gifted so generously by our land, empowers consumers to adopt a sustainable and ecological skin care routine. Let’s take action protecting planet Earth, for us, for our beloved ones and for the future generations yet to come.